Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow…or with Cancer?

~A Commentary on Romance, Life and Cancer~ Cancer statistics grow boring. Anyone can look around and see its prevalence: magazine covers, blog articles, a relative’s unexpected diagnosis, a friend’s predicted one, a coworker takes leave off work, a distant acquaintance mentioned in a conversation, “Oh did you hear? She died last year of cancer.” Not … More Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow…or with Cancer?

Mission Impossible

‘You are not what has happened to you. You are how you have overcome it.’ So says Beau Taplin, a self-published author from Melbourne, Australia. He also wrote, “Your body is not a temple. Temples can be destroyed and desecrated. Your body is a forest — thick canopies of maple trees and sweet scented wildflowers … More Mission Impossible

to grow a brain

This is an article in a series for People Against Violence.Org I live on an island. Legitimately. Secluded from a great many trials and some social extravagances, truthfully, it is incredibly easy to let myself roll in a complacent rug and curl up by the fire, forget about…things. I must confess, I lose myself in … More to grow a brain