More or LESS ;)

Now, now, now. Just because I don’t think it’s something to shake your head at, I’m not going to walk up to someone and force them to follow my point of view. She doesn’t like it, that’s fine. But I don’t think she’s doing any favours for herself or “woman-kind” when she judges women who do. … More More or LESS 😉

You are Incorporated

Quickly now, a few thoughts before I trek to school for my Business and Global Societies lecture with Joanne Lawrence.  By the end of this Bowie will mean individualism and he will also signify sticking it to the man (in some respects). I’ll also touch on not buying what’s being sold and selling, well, yourself. … More You are Incorporated

Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow…or with Cancer?

~A Commentary on Romance, Life and Cancer~ Cancer statistics grow boring. Anyone can look around and see its prevalence: magazine covers, blog articles, a relative’s unexpected diagnosis, a friend’s predicted one, a coworker takes leave off work, a distant acquaintance mentioned in a conversation, “Oh did you hear? She died last year of cancer.” Not … More Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow…or with Cancer?

Logically Illogical

Yesterday, as you our lovely readers and followers know, was the passing of Leonard Nimoy. Who indeed was a great man, able to wear make up and say on point one liners such as this: Which has without a doubt gone down in history as the words we say…on any given occasion to provide encouragement … More Logically Illogical