More or LESS ;)

Now, now, now. Just because I don’t think it’s something to shake your head at, I’m not going to walk up to someone and force them to follow my point of view. She doesn’t like it, that’s fine. But I don’t think she’s doing any favours for herself or “woman-kind” when she judges women who do. … More More or LESS 😉

“Pseudo” Correct

Talk about a learning curve straight upwards. Some of us accidentally figured it out, they hit the mother-load. Which is lovely. For us “others,” we need to become like Wile E. Coyote; blown up, stretched, cut in half, go “splat,” “kapow,” “zoing,” and all that jazz. And yet we’d strive to live on. Don’t get me wrong; we’re the stuff of legends, this “ain’t no thang.” Yes it’s true, we’re an awesome species, but I’ll still need a drink after writing this because it means I need to swallow some pretty harsh realities… … More “Pseudo” Correct

Mission Impossible

‘You are not what has happened to you. You are how you have overcome it.’ So says Beau Taplin, a self-published author from Melbourne, Australia. He also wrote, “Your body is not a temple. Temples can be destroyed and desecrated. Your body is a forest — thick canopies of maple trees and sweet scented wildflowers … More Mission Impossible

Logically Illogical

Yesterday, as you our lovely readers and followers know, was the passing of Leonard Nimoy. Who indeed was a great man, able to wear make up and say on point one liners such as this: Which has without a doubt gone down in history as the words we say…on any given occasion to provide encouragement … More Logically Illogical

The Texts I’d Send My Father if he had a Cell Phone

“I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” -Einstein oh but also… “Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences.” -Freeman Dyson … More The Texts I’d Send My Father if he had a Cell Phone

28, 19 and 12 – Three Magic Numbers

I bought a magic scale for 200 dollars (although you can get cheaper ones off eBay). I remember telling my boyfriend at the time, Harley, about it. I said, “My metabolic age is 12.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that the age of my body on the inside, is 12.”

He continued to scoff, as I continued to tell him the numbers – body fat percentage, physique rating, etc. When I took the Tanita scale out, he got excited.

“Put it down, put it down. I want to get on it!”

Someone should have warned me about how emotional people get when a square piece of metal and plastic shows a number.

Then 39, the scale said that his metabolic age was 33, not too bad. Four months later, I put him on the scale again. His metabolic age was higher this time, 37. He was indignant.

“This is b***s***!” … More 28, 19 and 12 – Three Magic Numbers