100 Years of Healthcare Reform (Pt 1)

A history of American Healthcare Reform. Society Evolves. We are no more defined in any moment by our obligation to neighbor and community than any moment is defined by the continual and exponential advancement of technology sustained since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The United States declared independence only 240 years ago. Our first … More 100 Years of Healthcare Reform (Pt 1)

Swimming in the Now

~Thoughts on finding my autonomy. Stephan MR. Covey stands up, raises both his hands in a sweeping gesture and says, “You know the saying, that fish discover water last. They’re so immersed in it, so close to it, they hardly know that they’re swimming in it. Humans are like that with trust.” Not twenty minutes … More Swimming in the Now

More or LESS ;)

Now, now, now. Just because I don’t think it’s something to shake your head at, I’m not going to walk up to someone and force them to follow my point of view. She doesn’t like it, that’s fine. But I don’t think she’s doing any favours for herself or “woman-kind” when she judges women who do. … More More or LESS 😉