28, 19 and 12 – Three Magic Numbers

I bought a magic scale for 200 dollars (although you can get cheaper ones off eBay). I remember telling my boyfriend at the time, Harley, about it. I said, “My metabolic age is 12.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that the age of my body on the inside, is 12.”

He continued to scoff, as I continued to tell him the numbers – body fat percentage, physique rating, etc. When I took the Tanita scale out, he got excited.

“Put it down, put it down. I want to get on it!”

Someone should have warned me about how emotional people get when a square piece of metal and plastic shows a number.

Then 39, the scale said that his metabolic age was 33, not too bad. Four months later, I put him on the scale again. His metabolic age was higher this time, 37. He was indignant.

“This is b***s***!” … More 28, 19 and 12 – Three Magic Numbers