
In a letter my mother wrote to me while she was in the hospital, she said, “Writing this note, knowing you’ll be holding it soon, gives me goosebumps!”  On my first night home from Beijing, I found it tucked under my pillow and I  smiled at my mother’s cheesy words. My mother who passed away 3 … More #thetinafund

Wrap it up in Red

Blood. I really do love it. I consider it one of my life’s passions, along with woman’s rights, writing, orchids and baby foxes. The last two are temporary obsessions. But blood…that’ll be a long-term distraction, up until the day I die. Why? Because you know those sand time clocks (also known as hour glasses)? The … More Wrap it up in Red

Type Altruistic

It’s November 25th 2014, one month left until that time that’s supposed to bring families all together, bring light and life where there isn’t any. This is the time when we listen to same Christmas music over and over again, when artists gather together and record a song to raise money for something, this year’s … More Type Altruistic

~Lykke & Eudaimonia

It’s been three weeks since the death of one of the most hilarious men in the world. Of course you know I’m talking about Robin Williams.  The amount of hilarity the man produced in the world was unprecedented, and yet he was unhappy. How on earth can this be the case when he was responsible … More ~Lykke & Eudaimonia

Is it Random or Fate?

~A Discussion on Bone Marrow Transplants~ Located in your bone marrow, Hematopoietic stem cells eventually make the components of blood. Similar to embryonic stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells are categorized into four types: pluripotent, totipotent, multipotent or unipotent (1). Their potency depends on how far in their development they exist, whether they can become anything … More Is it Random or Fate?


“Broken crayons still colour and your life is a canvas, what will you cover it with?” Just first before I get to what I want to write about. I watched the VMAs. I saw a few snippets of it I mean, the awesome performances and messages some celebrities are sending out are formidable. I want … More Chromatic


~Bombay and Other Types~ What do male nipples, the appendix, the coccyx, the plica semilunaris and blood types all have in common? They’re useless! Well to be fair, the potential function of vestigial structures remains in a constant equilibrium between sure declarations and whimsy theories. Perhaps these organs serve a secret purpose or more importantly … More ABO


A global statistic states that more than 38 000 blood donations are needed everyday in order to balance the deficit.  On average someone needs blood every 2 seconds. Healthy bone marrow makes a constant supply of red cells, plasma and platelets. *** The phone in my parents’ home has an incessant and annoying ring, like … More Three.Seven