
“Broken crayons still colour and your life is a canvas, what will you cover it with?” Just first before I get to what I want to write about. I watched the VMAs. I saw a few snippets of it I mean, the awesome performances and messages some celebrities are sending out are formidable. I want … More Chromatic

From Ageless Wisdom

Us happy people gotta stick together. I depend heavily on my family and my friends whom I ask  to send anything on happiness, or motivation, how they find it all in the name of life and being able to live it. I am very grateful to them for their participation. If you’d like to do so please…drop … More From Ageless Wisdom

~*13 Thoughts*~

Continuity Absent: Coffee. Kanye. The Club. Blood. Clarity. Spiders. * Disclaimer: No rhyme or reason. Did I mention that this post will be completely…without order.  I warned you. You can still stop reading here. Thought 1: I have absolutely no idea what I should write. Words. Maybe a poem about misfitting, or missing the past and … More ~*13 Thoughts*~

*Chalkboard Gold*

 Photographed by: Alanah Galloway I requested this little gem from Alanah, who our family has known since…a ways back in Port Perry, where we grew up. She has always been such beautiful friend and a lovely support. Thank you Alanah! Us happy people gotta stick together. I depend heavily on my family and my friends … More *Chalkboard Gold*