Buts about Brave

What is bravery? A question I ask myself often. Usually when walking alone down dark alleys, when talking to homeless people, going to Martial Arts classes, traveling to different countries, meeting strangers with twitchy eyes. Maybe asking for another fork cause I dropped my first one, getting yelled at by obnoxious drunkards, or eating Cheetos … More Buts about Brave

Wrap it up in Red

Blood. I really do love it. I consider it one of my life’s passions, along with woman’s rights, writing, orchids and baby foxes. The last two are temporary obsessions. But blood…that’ll be a long-term distraction, up until the day I die. Why? Because you know those sand time clocks (also known as hour glasses)? The … More Wrap it up in Red

**Poison Pie Column**

More like a Pirate less like a queen ~Or more like a queen less like a pirate~ An archetype personality exists in the collective mind of society, the communal mind of all of us together. Inherited through language and images, these unconscious ideas and patterns universally present themselves in the individual psyche. And sometimes these … More **Poison Pie Column**

the flip side

 ~Taking criticism is hard~ ~Taking affirmation is complicated~ “The more affirmation you need from others, the weaker you become,” Blake once told me. He always spoke about strength and weakness as if we lived in Game of Thrones (but we both obsessed over GOT so in our minds we kinda were). “The person who doesn’t … More the flip side

Accessorize this

~Another (oh gawd) comment on materialism~ The only accessory a woman needs is her shit together. And it took me a long time to realize this.  I’m a typical modern woman; I have ADD, ADHD, a couple anxiety complexes and depending on the day, a range of personality disorders.  Accessories are like air to me, … More Accessorize this


They say hatred, racism and prejudices are handed down to us by our forefathers. Nothing’s unique about any of these vices, the way they feel and the way they divide groups remains constant, cookie cutouts of heartbreak and strife. Are stereotypes lies?  No, they’re true. Are prejudices unfounded? No, they’re founded. Is there a reason … More Unlearning