Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow…or with Cancer?

~A Commentary on Romance, Life and Cancer~ Cancer statistics grow boring. Anyone can look around and see its prevalence: magazine covers, blog articles, a relative’s unexpected diagnosis, a friend’s predicted one, a coworker takes leave off work, a distant acquaintance mentioned in a conversation, “Oh did you hear? She died last year of cancer.” Not … More Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow…or with Cancer?

How to Become a Buddha

When people tell me to meditate I always think, I am. All the time. I’m a walking meditation; I stare off into space, I think about space, I’m careful to never lose sight of the cosmic picture creating the backdrop to even the smallest conversations… “Wow Easter bunnies for sale?” “Of all the random occurrences … More How to Become a Buddha

28, 19 and 12 – Three Magic Numbers

I bought a magic scale for 200 dollars (although you can get cheaper ones off eBay). I remember telling my boyfriend at the time, Harley, about it. I said, “My metabolic age is 12.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that the age of my body on the inside, is 12.”

He continued to scoff, as I continued to tell him the numbers – body fat percentage, physique rating, etc. When I took the Tanita scale out, he got excited.

“Put it down, put it down. I want to get on it!”

Someone should have warned me about how emotional people get when a square piece of metal and plastic shows a number.

Then 39, the scale said that his metabolic age was 33, not too bad. Four months later, I put him on the scale again. His metabolic age was higher this time, 37. He was indignant.

“This is b***s***!” … More 28, 19 and 12 – Three Magic Numbers

**Poison Pie Column**

More like a Pirate less like a queen ~Or more like a queen less like a pirate~ An archetype personality exists in the collective mind of society, the communal mind of all of us together. Inherited through language and images, these unconscious ideas and patterns universally present themselves in the individual psyche. And sometimes these … More **Poison Pie Column**

Limbs 2.1

Us happy people gotta stick together. I depend heavily on my family and my friends whom I ask  to send anything on happiness, or motivation, how they find it all in the name of life and being able to live it. I am very grateful to them for their participation. If you’d like to do so please…drop … More Limbs 2.1

A Moment with Ai

“Creativity is the power to reject the past, to change the status quo, and seek new potential.” ~Ai Weiwei, 艾未未 If you don’t know…You should. After close to three years in the Jing; I came back to Port Perry and examined myself to see if I’d changed any.  Any definite indications of character development.  So far, … More A Moment with Ai

Quirky Felicity: 7 Reasons For Authenticity

 “Moments are ephemeral. Will you spend them under a cloud, throwing shade or frowning? Or soaking up the sun, creating light and showing all your teeth in the widest grin?” FindingFelicity’s Description (…again) Less thought; more feeling. Thought as an organic form isn’t negative, no. Over-thinking, however, can cause a person so see things that … More Quirky Felicity: 7 Reasons For Authenticity