More or LESS ;)

Now, now, now. Just because I don’t think it’s something to shake your head at, I’m not going to walk up to someone and force them to follow my point of view. She doesn’t like it, that’s fine. But I don’t think she’s doing any favours for herself or “woman-kind” when she judges women who do. … More More or LESS đŸ˜‰


This isn’t innocent, this isn’t Walt Disney’s Cinderella.

Actually, go out, watch Fifty Shades of Grey, then donate blood, or donate blood and then watch it, you’ll swoon a more easily. … More unFifty


Let me break it down. Previous to welcoming in 2015 I was involved in a few episodes that were less than pretty. A car accident, a victim of major money fraud, to name a few. I was sitting on the toilet in the Tap & Tankard, telling myself that this year wouldn’t be like last year. This year, I’d take over. Whatever that means. They started the count down and before I new I ushered in the New Year while sitting in bathroom stall, reading graffiti. Bound for greatness am I. … More Innocent.

Sliced Bread

In Philadelphia ~Part 3~ “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ~Oscar Wilde Continued from Me & Him The amount of pressure a person puts on their feet every single moment is enough to weigh the world down. It’s a heavy load. With all of the rules … More Sliced Bread

**Poison Pie Column**

More like a Pirate less like a queen ~Or more like a queen less like a pirate~ An archetype personality exists in the collective mind of society, the communal mind of all of us together. Inherited through language and images, these unconscious ideas and patterns universally present themselves in the individual psyche. And sometimes these … More **Poison Pie Column**