Buts about Brave

What is bravery? A question I ask myself often. Usually when walking alone down dark alleys, when talking to homeless people, going to Martial Arts classes, traveling to different countries, meeting strangers with twitchy eyes. Maybe asking for another fork cause I dropped my first one, getting yelled at by obnoxious drunkards, or eating Cheetos … More Buts about Brave

the flip side

 ~Taking criticism is hard~ ~Taking affirmation is complicated~ “The more affirmation you need from others, the weaker you become,” Blake once told me. He always spoke about strength and weakness as if we lived in Game of Thrones (but we both obsessed over GOT so in our minds we kinda were). “The person who doesn’t … More the flip side


They say hatred, racism and prejudices are handed down to us by our forefathers. Nothing’s unique about any of these vices, the way they feel and the way they divide groups remains constant, cookie cutouts of heartbreak and strife. Are stereotypes lies?  No, they’re true. Are prejudices unfounded? No, they’re founded. Is there a reason … More Unlearning

Loss, Grief, Pain, Suffering, Life, and Plot Twists

Written By Enya Harris from Melbourne, Australia. Thank you Enya for your words 😉 Bars, alcohol, drugs, sex, sleep, and even television, are all distractions. After a relationship ends, there is a moment where there is no escape, just you and your emotions. Emotions so heavy they cause your heart to contract. Your body begins … More Loss, Grief, Pain, Suffering, Life, and Plot Twists

From Occelli

  Us happy people gotta stick together. Giving won’t bring my mother back it will let someone else keep theirs. Please check out blood.ca to find a clinic and give. Oh hello hi! Have a Happiness Experience you’d like to share? Well share it here by sending me an email (triciamariadm@gmail.com). AND after you’ve done that the … More From Occelli

~Soulfully Single~

Here are some lovely words from the inspiring Brittany Tasch. When I was but a young freshman or first year at Messiah College, Brittany was mine and about 20 other young ladies’ first RA. She was our guide to understanding life starting somewhere new. She is such an encouragement! Thank you for your wonderful words … More ~Soulfully Single~

Euphoria ~ From Calvin & Hobbes

Us happy people gotta stick together. Please check out blood.ca to find a clinic and give.   Oh hello hi! Have a Happiness Experience you’d like to share? Well share it here by sending me an email. AND after you’ve done that the paradigm of logic states you should like FindingFelicity on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/findingfelicityproject) Pretty please help … More Euphoria ~ From Calvin & Hobbes

~Lykke & Eudaimonia

It’s been three weeks since the death of one of the most hilarious men in the world. Of course you know I’m talking about Robin Williams.  The amount of hilarity the man produced in the world was unprecedented, and yet he was unhappy. How on earth can this be the case when he was responsible … More ~Lykke & Eudaimonia


“Broken crayons still colour and your life is a canvas, what will you cover it with?” Just first before I get to what I want to write about. I watched the VMAs. I saw a few snippets of it I mean, the awesome performances and messages some celebrities are sending out are formidable. I want … More Chromatic