to grow a brain

This is an article in a series for People Against Violence.Org I live on an island. Legitimately. Secluded from a great many trials and some social extravagances, truthfully, it is incredibly easy to let myself roll in a complacent rug and curl up by the fire, forget about…things. I must confess, I lose myself in … More to grow a brain

Movement (part 2)

Another hefty dose of motivational typography from the talented Jeremiah Wistrom.   FindingFelicity: We aim to raise awareness to patient autonomy and Acute Myeloid Leukemia, a debilitating cancer with personal significance. This site, albeit with a public health agenda, embraces the notion that raising awareness can be accomplished in tandem with any interesting writing, regardless … More Movement (part 2)

Pink Label

Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; suddenly you’re doing the impossible. ~Francis of Assisi I have found that though I am a certified cynic, albeit a harbinger of happiness, a person who claims to have seen many things, I am still amazed by the goodness I witness in humanity every once in … More Pink Label


This is the second article in a series for People Against Violence Org. Preceding this article, I wrote about the surprisingly high amounts of violence the U.N. was discovering against women. You can read that article here. Today in the Toronto Star published an article on Kathleen Wynne’s crusade against sexual violence featuring an edgy … More Edgy


~Originally Posted Here. I’m sharing this blog post on FindingFelicity because it speaks about a larger issue. Yes, here on FindingFelicity we focus on bringing awareness to patient autonomy, AML and bone marrow donations. But there is merit in awareness and activism in other social issues, such as violence against women. I had a conversation … More Boundaries