
Let me break it down. Previous to welcoming in 2015 I was involved in a few episodes that were less than pretty. A car accident, a victim of major money fraud, to name a few. I was sitting on the toilet in the Tap & Tankard, telling myself that this year wouldn’t be like last year. This year, I’d take over. Whatever that means. They started the count down and before I new I ushered in the New Year while sitting in bathroom stall, reading graffiti. Bound for greatness am I. … More Innocent.

Buts about Brave

What is bravery? A question I ask myself often. Usually when walking alone down dark alleys, when talking to homeless people, going to Martial Arts classes, traveling to different countries, meeting strangers with twitchy eyes. Maybe asking for another fork cause I dropped my first one, getting yelled at by obnoxious drunkards, or eating Cheetos … More Buts about Brave

2014 in 5 Words

I’ve been trying out this new thing called Twitter. Maybe you’ve heard of it? It’s got this concept called the “hashtag” to make you more discoverable. I’m on the “twitter-sphere” and I be tweeting away but sometimes I just can’t get the flow. You know? Well, a new “hashtag” has been floating around in the … More 2014 in 5 Words