~Soulfully Single~

Here are some lovely words from the inspiring Brittany Tasch. When I was but a young freshman or first year at Messiah College, Brittany was mine and about 20 other young ladies’ first RA. She was our guide to understanding life starting somewhere new. She is such an encouragement! Thank you for your wonderful words … More ~Soulfully Single~

The Meaning Maker with a Side of Happiness ;)

Written by a dear friend of mine since…well since we were little, since high school and even throughout college. Please read. This post is so relevant now for those who feel like they’re spending such a long time looking for their journey’s before realizing they’re already on them. Thank you Angelica for your beautiful words … More The Meaning Maker with a Side of Happiness ðŸ˜‰

~Like Geller

On a dance-walking session the other day, I was listening to my music and the song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams popped up and I let it go like Indina. I made it out of the drive-way with a little of my dignity left and a truck pulled out from a neighbour’s lane almost directly across … More ~Like Geller

Choose :)

Written By: Amalia Khweis First things first, I have to say that I am extremely excited about writing this blog post on being happy! Huge Thank You to my home-slice, Tricia for asking me to write a post for her awesome blog! In the immortal words of The Terminator “Come with me if you want … More Choose 🙂

Gracias, Merci, and 谢谢 Mr. Seinfeld ;)

Forgive the complete random-ness of this post but today I realized that my parents are huge Jerry Seinfeld fans. Hold the phone…I know a lot of people are Seinfeld fans ok. I’ve not been around until recently, so for me this is a huge discovery. The parental units are all but obsessed with Jerry Seinfeld, the man, … More Gracias, Merci, and 谢谢 Mr. Seinfeld ðŸ˜‰

Piece for Thought

Written By: Sarah Baranik de Alarcon Sarah is a lovely friend of mine all the way back (only 3 years ago) from Messiah College, who has agreed to write a post for FindingFelicity! The other day, my friend asked one of our three-year-old friends what she was thankful for. “My Birthday!” she promptly replied.“When was … More Piece for Thought