~Like Geller

On a dance-walking session the other day, I was listening to my music and the song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams popped up and I let it go like Indina. I made it out of the drive-way with a little of my dignity left and a truck pulled out from a neighbour’s lane almost directly across … More ~Like Geller

*Quirky Felicity: 7 Songs to Make You Dance-Walk*

“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands. They just don’t” ~Legally Blonde Yes that was necessary. A Mix-Tape Dance-walking is a thing. It is. People everywhere are into it. The peeps are down. I do it occasionally; yeah I even made a video of it…watch it and … More *Quirky Felicity: 7 Songs to Make You Dance-Walk*


FindingFelicity: A Happiness Movement Purpose: Motivation. Encouragement to keep making whatever difference we’re making. We are all making small differences, no matter what we’re striving for. FindingFelicity is a reminder to stay encouraged, for those moments when you’re brought down by the thoughts of self-doubt. Task: It is so simple. Anything, anything at all that … More theList