
Will you Trust like a fork. In different ways. Hug like a spoon. With all your heart. Love like a knife. Steady, sharp and intense. Think about it, Lift your feet up, Pull away from the edge. Leap, Unclench your teeth Loosen your grasp Jump with your mind Body Soul Be whole If you live … More Cutlery


Breathe. Be calm. This heart opened up and shared with me its depth. Dark. Hopes. Fears.Tears. Once a breeze. Now? What is it? Sit. Wait. Patient. Be still. I’ll tell… *** You. Pusssshhhhhhhhh yourself. shouldn’t be too hard, your dream is only an inch away from your stretched hopes. Hey! Get your dirty hands off … More Push


From Her Perspective. If I Reach down, way down so Deep There are Words where, right where you’d Sleep And this Jade I, I use will Keep… Mefromexplodinglikethe cracksinthepavement thattravelonandon, theybranchoffand, continuereachingfor, whattheythinkfreedom, Is. Hold My Breath still, deep breath keep Calm Like the Beat on, beat in my Palm This… Jade I, I use; sweet balm, Isn’tenoughtostopthe … More Rambling


In a letter my mother wrote to me while she was in the hospital, she said, “Writing this note, knowing you’ll be holding it soon, gives me goosebumps!”  On my first night home from Beijing, I found it tucked under my pillow and I  smiled at my mother’s cheesy words. My mother who passed away 3 … More #thetinafund

Sliced Bread

In Philadelphia ~Part 3~ “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ~Oscar Wilde Continued from Me & Him The amount of pressure a person puts on their feet every single moment is enough to weigh the world down. It’s a heavy load. With all of the rules … More Sliced Bread

~Soulfully Single~

Here are some lovely words from the inspiring Brittany Tasch. When I was but a young freshman or first year at Messiah College, Brittany was mine and about 20 other young ladies’ first RA. She was our guide to understanding life starting somewhere new. She is such an encouragement! Thank you for your wonderful words … More ~Soulfully Single~

I’m Obsessed.

  Call me crazy or naive and maybe a little repetitive. But why should I say it any differently when it’s already been written so beautifully. Us happy people gotta stick together. Giving won’t bring my mother back it will let someone else keep theirs. Please check out to find a clinic and give. Oh hello … More I’m Obsessed.